
The fist research meeting in Think Tank Unit

Integrated Initiative for Designing Future Society consists of three research units: Decarbonization Unit, Medicine and Health Unit, and Environment and Food Unit, and Think Tank Unit aiming to resolve various social issues with designing ideal future societies.

We are pleased to announce that Think Tank Unit will be inviting a prominent script writer to participate in the first internal research society. The goal is to collectively explore the concepts of writing a scenario and designing an unexpected future or world together.

All sessions will be conducted in Japanese.

■15:20 – 16:00
Title: Between Expression and Responsibility: How to Create a Story of a Future Not Yet Seen
Speaker: Takehiko Minato

■16:00 – 16:30
Q&A Session and more

Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
Design Initiative for Diversity & Inclusion, Kyushu University

How to Apply

■If you are a staff member of Kyushu University, please sign up for it the link below.

Related Links
  • Wednesday, Feb 14th, 2024

    15:20 ~ 16:30

Online(Zoom) Offline(511 Room, Ohashi Campus)